FAQs on our Creativity, Confidence and Public Speaking Course with Goldsmiths

1. I have a big presentation / speech coming up - can you help?

Yes. We will get you audience-ready in just 6 weeks, no matter what shape you’re in.

Graphic reading: "Psst! Hey, we get it. You have to present at work and you want to improve. Goldsmiths University of London. The Offer Bank." Illustration of animals congregating while one speaks to them.

2. Will this help with my social anxiety?

Certainly. We dig into specific pain points and offer dozens of tips on how to handle a work or social situation.

3. I lose my thread when I’m under pressure. Will this course prevent that?

Yes. We teach specific techniques to help you remember your story path or even improvise in the moment so as to avoid stress.

4. I’m too shy to try this in front of people - can I do it 1-2-1?

We offer 1-2-1 coaching but recommend you practise in front of a small, safe audience of friendly course peers. Don’t worry! We guide it all.

5. I’m conscious of being boring - how do I get past that?

We teach a number of storytelling techniques and a framework to place them on. Your audiences will soon hang off your every word!

Any other questions? Ask them in the chat! Otherwise, see you on the course. Link below…



Does being likeable automatically mean feeling confident?


Comparison is the thief of joy. So measure yourself against yourself