Scared of your boss?

Ever find yourself getting jittery at the mere thought of talking to your boss? Been there! I've had moments where my attempts to keep it casual ended up making me seem aloof or even rude. For me, the anxiety usually comes from a fear of being judged or misunderstood, especially when power dynamics come into play. But I've picked up some tricks along the way to navigate through it.

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Acing presentation structure

Crafting a captivating and well-structured presentation can be a daunting task, but fear not! Below, we explore three simple and powerful presentation structures that will elevate your ability to deliver a memorable and compelling presentation.

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Relax, goddammit! Four non-verbal body language hacks

Thumping heart, sweaty palms, shortness of breath and trembling body when you’re presenting? These reactions are nothing to be ashamed of, but they do signal that you might be nervous, which is damaging to your audience’s confidence in you. Here’s what you can work on to put everyone in the room at ease…

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Does being likeable automatically mean feeling confident?

Likeable people in business always seem like they’ve discovered the secret sauce. These people listen well. They know when to make a joke and when to be serious. They say stuff like: “I could be wrong…” or “… but in the end, what do I know?!” with a humble smile that automatically increases their cache, and our certainty that they’re a winner.

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FAQs on our Creativity, Confidence and Public Speaking Course with Goldsmiths

1. I have a big presentation / speech coming up - can you help?

Yes. We will get you audience-ready in just 6 weeks, no matter what shape you’re in.

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5 effective ways to ease workplace communication anxiety

Whether it’s a presentation, a meeting, or everyday conversations with colleagues, the pressure to communicate clearly can lead to anxiety. Here are 5 effective ways to reduce the stress and improve your communication…

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Storytime! 3 easy, effective presentation structures

Presentations play a crucial role in conveying ideas, engaging audiences, and leaving a lasting impact. But creating a captivating and organised presentation can be challenging. Fear not! Here are three easy and effective presentation structures that will help you deliver a memorable and compelling presentation.

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