Scared of Public Speaking? “We’ve Got To Go Through It!”
When I'm coaching people to greater confidence when speaking in public or in groups, they always ask me how they can be 'fast-tracked'. "What's the secret?" they say. What they really mean is: "How do I get to achieve this immediately without any feeling of discomfort?" This scary, brain-frying headspace – known in psychological terms as 'conscious incompetence' – is there for a reason: so that you can be creative, learn your craft, practice a heap of strategies... and become satisfyingly resilient along the way.
Seven Reasons Why Glastonbury Festival is a Year-Round Resilience Boost
Dancing and singing and group fun reduce stress hormone cortisol and release happy hormones: endorphins (painkiller) and dopamine (mood-booster) and oxytocin (‘love drug’). The more we create positive, habitual pathways and imprint a route to joy, the easier good habits become.
Four Ways to Control Your Nerves
Four simple tips to get you out of your head and back in your body before you give any presentation.