Comparison is the thief of joy. So measure yourself against yourself
In the world of personal development, it's often said that the first step to success is believing in yourself. But how do we make ourselves believe? The answer lies in how we perceive challenges and measure our progress.
Imagine you're faced with a task you've never attempted, like riding a bicycle. Instead of immediately dismissing it with a, "I can't do that," consider saying, "I can't do that… yet." This shift in mindset acknowledges that you are open to growth and learning. It sets the stage a rewarding sense of accomplishment.
Picture by Jerome Yom on
Now, let's take it a step further: measure your progress only against your past self, not against others. When you set your own metrics and resist the urge to compare yourself to others, you gain a profound sense of control over your journey.
Buddhists teach us the wisdom of letting go of the self, which includes letting go of the need for competition and comparison. These tendencies can erode your confidence, as they divert your focus from personal growth to external validation.
Confidence thrives when you ask yourself, "Where do I want to get to?" and "How can I improve on this moment?" rather than obsessing over being better than someone else. Your path is unique. Some may be faster, and some slower, but in the end, your only competition is yourself.
Remember that the journey to confidence is an ongoing process. If you have questions or want to discuss this further, get in touch.
Good luck on your path to self-discovery and empowerment!