Comparison is the thief of joy. So measure yourself against yourself

In the world of personal development, it's often said that the first step to success is believing in yourself. But how do we make ourselves believe? The answer lies in how we perceive challenges and measure our progress.

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7 tips to boost confidence through reframing

Negative self-talk, lingering self-doubt, and the weight of past failures can conspire to undermine our self-confidence. One highly effective way to turn this around is by “reframing” – identifying negative thoughts and beliefs and turning them into positives. Try these 7 tips to reverse negative thinking and boost your confidence…

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The three types of self-confidence

Self-confidence can be the driving force behind our actions, decisions, and overall well-being. While it’s often treated as a singular concept, self-confidence can be categorised into three distinct types, and each holds its own significance and contributes uniquely to an individual’s self-assurance.

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Learning from setbacks: Embracing growth and moving forward

Setbacks are inevitable in every aspect of life, but they can also be transformative opportunities for growth and resilience. Embrace setbacks, extract lessons, and propel yourself forward.

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Overcoming public speaking anxiety: Confidence-building tricks

Public speaking anxiety is a common experience that can shake our confidence. However, with a few simple strategies, we can alleviate this anxiety and boost our self-assurance.

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Embracing the Stretch Zone: Growing beyond comfort

In personal growth, the "Stretch Zone" is where individuals step outside their comfort zones to reach new heights, growth flourishes, and transformative experiences await the brave.

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Authenticity: Put a little more of yourself into what you do...

If you don’t feel confident, you can find yourself trying a bit too hard to be ‘professional’. But some authenticity is essential – which means self-acceptance.

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How joy and confidence go hand in hand

When you feel joyful, it often leads to increased confidence, and when you're confident, it can enhance your capacity to experience joy. But why?

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