There’s a balance between being professional and being yourself.

A photograph of lots of different types of iced ring doughnuts.

Why? And why is it important?

If you don’t feel confident, you can find yourself trying a bit too hard to be ‘professional’. But some authenticity is essential – which means self-acceptance. When you’re okay being yourself, you immediately relax.

We each have things in common with other people. But we also have a unique way of seeing, interacting with and moving through the world. Try to honour both of these facts for some real magic happens.

Bring more of yourself to a professional setting and people will either chime with – or have their interest piqued by – your unique view. Either way, you’ll be remembered positively.

Try out some relaxed, personal, low stakes small talk soon and see if the other person does the same. People do business with people, after all. Self-acceptance is key.


Embracing the Stretch Zone: Growing beyond comfort


How do you memorise things? Record, Retain, Retrieve, Repeat