Proof that setbacks shouldn’t break us

Thomas Edison, one of the most prolific inventors in history, once said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." And this attitude is the one that’s going to get you to your goals.

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Comparison is the thief of joy. So measure yourself against yourself

In the world of personal development, it's often said that the first step to success is believing in yourself. But how do we make ourselves believe? The answer lies in how we perceive challenges and measure our progress.

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7 tips to boost confidence through reframing

Negative self-talk, lingering self-doubt, and the weight of past failures can conspire to undermine our self-confidence. One highly effective way to turn this around is by “reframing” – identifying negative thoughts and beliefs and turning them into positives. Try these 7 tips to reverse negative thinking and boost your confidence…

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Peace & empowerment in Mel Robbins’s ‘Let Them’ philosophy

In a world of constant comparisons and the relentless urge to keep up with others, finding solace and focus can be a daunting task. Enter Mel Robbins's insightful philosophy, 'Let Them', which invites us to release the anxieties associated with others' actions and pave a path towards reduced stress, self-discovery, and unyielding focus on our own goals and journey.

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The neurobiology of confidence: a positive feedback loop

Confidence is more than just a state of mind. Recent advancements in neuroscience have shed light on the neurobiological underpinnings of confidence and the tangible effects it has on our mindset and action.

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Harnessing social proof: boosting confidence through the power of influence

In our journey to building confidence, we often seek validation and reassurance from others. One powerful psychological principle that can significantly impact our confidence is social proof, as identified by renowned social psychologist Robert Cialdini. Understanding how social proof operates and leveraging its influence can help us cultivate greater confidence in ourselves and our abilities.

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The power of Learned Optimism: Unlocking a positive mindset

In a world often filled with uncertainty and challenge, maintaining a positive outlook can be a real game-changer. We all experience moments of pessimism, but the concept of learned optimism offers a powerful tool to navigate adversity and cultivate a positive, confident mindset.

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What’s so special about ‘grit’?

In a world filled with buzzwords and self-help jargon, one term that stands out for its profound impact on success and achievement is ‘grit’. Grit has become a powerful concept in understanding what drives individuals to persevere and reach their long-term goals.

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Embracing the Stretch Zone: Growing beyond comfort

In personal growth, the "Stretch Zone" is where individuals step outside their comfort zones to reach new heights, growth flourishes, and transformative experiences await the brave.

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Authenticity: Put a little more of yourself into what you do...

If you don’t feel confident, you can find yourself trying a bit too hard to be ‘professional’. But some authenticity is essential – which means self-acceptance.

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Let’s talk about power poses!

In 2010 American social psychologists Dana Carney, Amy Cuddy and Andy Yapp published a research study which concluded that to replicate certain high-status shapes can ‘produce power’. Meet the ‘power pose’!

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Try saying ‘Yes, and’

‘Yes, And’ is the core tenet of improv. It means to accept and build. To be curious rather than judgmental. Try practising positivity and openness with a ‘Yes, And’ connection.

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