This empowering little metric is always a good reminder, even when you’re struggling, that you’ll get there.

The model suggests that there are four distinct stages that individuals progress through on their journey to mastery:

Young woman walks tightrope wearing high heeled shoes.
  1. Unconscious Incompetence
    Play! In this stage, a person is unaware of their lack of skill or knowledge in a particular area. Essentially, you are incompetent but oblivious to it. Have fun!

  2. Conscious Incompetence
    Pray! At this stage, you might become aware of your lack of skill or knowledge. It can be a humbling or frustrating phase.

  3. Conscious Competence
    Yay! You have the necessary knowledge and skills, but your performance requires conscious effort and concentration. You're doing well! Practise, repeat and refine.

  4. Unconscious Competence
    Slay. Congratulations! You have mastered the thing, and it has become second nature. You'll be feeling a high level of competence, confidence, and efficiency.

It's not about mastery per se. It's that, when you show up for yourself consistently and with awareness, you hit Conscious Competence in less time and with greater ease than if you weren’t aware.

By knowing yourself and understanding the process, you have built a big dollop of confidence into your practice.


Try saying ‘Yes, and’


How joy and confidence go hand in hand