Seven Reasons Why Glastonbury Festival is a Year-Round Resilience Boost

Dancing and singing and group fun reduce stress hormone cortisol and release happy hormones: endorphins (painkiller) and dopamine (mood-booster) and oxytocin (‘love drug’). The more we create positive, habitual pathways and imprint a route to joy, the easier good habits become.

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Imagi-Nations Impro: When Worlds Connect

“It was thrilling to improvise with people in Nigeria and India in the same session. To open up creativity across borders with V.I. people on continents we haven’t engaged with before was awesome.”

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23 Ways to Feel in Control on Zoom

Whether you’re on your first (clueless) or your zillionth (jaded) call this year, you’ll miss basics that give yourself and others a better experience.

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