How to Build Confidence And Be Less Nervous

So I’m asking myself, what’s brought about this change? And as I got into it, I realised that I wanted to formulate a path towards confidence for you, too, and make a list of tips and hints. Cue an appropriate challenge: to post a Confidence Trick per day on LinkedIn (Follow at . Search #TheOfferBankConfidenceTricks for all 30 posts.

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26 Ways to Feel in Control on Zoom

You read 23 Ways To Feel In Control On Zoom – now here’s 26 more Zoom ‘light bulb’ moments. Hopefully they’ll support you to feel more confident and in control of your calls.

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Seven Steps to Great Presentations on Zoom and in the Room

Even high-pressure global Zoom calls can feel oddly cosy at times, I find, since they’re only a couple of clicks away and take place in your WFH office.

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23 Ways to Feel in Control on Zoom

Whether you’re on your first (clueless) or your zillionth (jaded) call this year, you’ll miss basics that give yourself and others a better experience.

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