Confidence and Failure: Two Sides of the Same Coin
They’re interlinked - and both there to help you
Boscoe the Sausage Dog: the social media star famed for his Big Stick Energy
Confidence and Failure: flip up one and the other turns up more often.
🎯 When you’re feeling confident, you can often feel bulletproof. There’s an underlying resilience there that cushions you against actual failure. When you’re confident, essentially, failure usually hurts less.
📉 By the same token, failure can often seem to turn up more often the more confident you feel. That’s because failure is often a by-product of your increased risk-taking that confidence inevitably brings. FAFO, as they say on Twitter.
🤠 Some people remain calmly confident no matter how hard they fail. So how do they stay resilient when it’s all falling apart?
📊 It’s all to do with where you put your focus. If you’re results-driven, you’ll find most types of failure can put a very real dent in your confidence. Didn’t do well in the presentation? Then you’ve ‘failed’ – and everyone knows it. Ouch. It becomes personal.
🥾 If you’re process-focused, however, your confidence will derive from analysing your mindset and ongoing sense of progress. This ‘rolling assessment’ makes failure seem less painful because (cheesy acronym alert) to ‘fail’ is a ‘First Attempt In Learning’.
🔭 You’re looking outwards, not inwards.
🏆 The most important thing is to cultivate a positive mindset, keep an eye on your resilience and always play the long game. More confidence means you create more behaviour that could end in failure. More failure can create more ‘grit’ and resilience: meaning so long as you’re self-aware enough, you’ll end up more confident after all.
#entrepreneur #businessempowerment #confidencetips #confidence #failure #failforward #failureispartofsuccess
Pic: Bosco the Daschund @Boscoandhisbigstick