What’s so special about ‘grit’?

In a world filled with buzzwords and self-help jargon, one term that stands out for its profound impact on success and achievement is ‘grit’. Grit has become a powerful concept in understanding what drives individuals to persevere and reach their long-term goals.

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Learning from setbacks: Embracing growth and moving forward

Setbacks are inevitable in every aspect of life, but they can also be transformative opportunities for growth and resilience. Embrace setbacks, extract lessons, and propel yourself forward.

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How joy and confidence go hand in hand

When you feel joyful, it often leads to increased confidence, and when you're confident, it can enhance your capacity to experience joy. But why?

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Seven Reasons Why Glastonbury Festival is a Year-Round Resilience Boost

Dancing and singing and group fun reduce stress hormone cortisol and release happy hormones: endorphins (painkiller) and dopamine (mood-booster) and oxytocin (‘love drug’). The more we create positive, habitual pathways and imprint a route to joy, the easier good habits become.

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