Making Meetings Matter More

Sure, we’ve all at some point muttered: “This could’ve been an email” - but meetings are a crucial part of most professional lives.

Whether they’re useful to you is one thing. It’s time to start thinking strategically as to how to make meetings useful FOR you. Getting yourself heard and noticed (and, hopefully, your contributions accepted) is a career-ladder game-changer.

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How to seize success from the jaws of failure

Failure is often viewed as a serious roadblock but it doesn’t need to be the end and can be a stepping stone towards success. Embracing failure positively requires a shift in perspective and a commitment to learning and growth. Here are four techniques that can transform failure into a catalyst for success.

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Unleashing Creativity

Tapping into your creativity is route one to more agile thinking… so why is it so slippery? Because our brains need to take the scenic route: give people a problem to solve and a deadline and the most creative of them will take it to wire every time..

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Succeeding As A Team

Building a great team where everyone feels like a champ not only builds unbeatable work energy; it makes your whole organisation shine. And as a recent study shows, work joy can increase productivity by up to 12 percent! It’s true that a rising tide lifts all boats.

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Give Me A Break!

Taking breaks or regular rests is often seen as a luxury, rather than a necessity. Research shows, though, that strategic breaks in your workday can significantly enhance productivity, creativity, and wellbeing. Here’s 6 facts on taking rests!

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