Think about your most trusted leaders and decision-makers and you might well have the word ‘gravitas’ pop into your head.

As important as charisma and as useful as grit, gravitas will give you the edge when the going gets tough.

So what the heck is gravitas? A combination of poise, confidence, and an air of authority, it’s a quality that sets you apart from others who’re otherwise equally capable. It’s an aura that gives a deserved weight to your opinions.

Maintain a positive mindset throughout the interview. Focus on your accomplishments and qualifications, and believe in your ability to excel in the role.

Here’s the five key elements of gravitas - and how it’ll raise your career game.

  1. Confidence and Composure Gravitas begins with confidence and composure - and confidence isn’t about dominating conversations but about having quiet faith in your ideas and abilities. Similarly, maintaining composure under pressure is crucial. Practise mindfulness techniques to stay calm in challenging situations.

  2. Authenticity True gravitas is rooted in authenticity: being genuine and true to yourself. Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses and let your ‘authentic self’ shine through. Why are authentic leaders so deeply respected? Because sincerity fosters trust and credibility.

  3. Effective Communication Mastering the art of communication is a cornerstone of gravitas. Speak clearly, concisely and with purpose. Pay attention to your body language, ensuring it aligns with your words, so that you aren’t sending mixed messages. Effective communicators magnetically draw in their audience.

  4. Demonstrate Expertise Build gravitas (and personal confidence in your capability), by becoming an expert in your field. Stay on top of relevant trends, be a life-long learner, share your knowledge generously. People gravitate towards those who demonstrate expertise and passion on a subject.

  5. Cultivate a strong presence Gravitas is often associated with a strong physical and emotional presence. Stand tall, make eye contact and engage. Your physical presence should reflect the strength of your character, capability and the weight of your ideas. When you believe in yourself, a deeper presence naturally emanates.

What’s next?

Eminent writer George Bernard Shaw once said: “Life isn’t about finding yourself: life is about creating yourself.” Cultivating gravitas means building and demonstrating confidence, authenticity, effective communication, expertise, and a strong physical presence. Gravitas is not about overpowering others but earning respect - through your actions, delivery and demeanour.

  • What steps can you take to enhance your gravitas?

  • Will you remember to balance these with good humour and grace?

  • And finally: what will the impact be for you if you increase your personal gravitas?


How to listen so people talk to you


"I'm Nervous About My Interview..."