Seven Reasons Why You Need Fun at Work
IS there a strong line dividing work and play? Do you feel awkward at work as you step between knuckling down and connecting through laughter with your colleagues? Apparently not! In fact, mastering the art of having fun at work these days isn’t a luxury or simply ‘mucking about’ – it's a strategic necessity.
Founder of the Virgin Group, Richard Branson, is a big believer in being playful:
“Fun is one of the most important – and underrated – ingredients in any successful venture. If you’re not having fun, then it’s probably time to call it quits and try something else.”
Here’s seven compelling reasons why encouraging a fun and playful environment at work can be transformative for employee well-being AND organisational success.
1. Increase Productivity
Ditch the tired old view that fun at work is distracting! Research proves that it actually boosts productivity. A study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology showed that employees in a positive emotional state are more likely to perform better – and that when fun is integrated into work, employees are more engaged and energized. Cue higher productivity levels.
“When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.” Simon Sinek
2. Enhance Creativity
Fun and playful activities can stimulate creative thinking by relaxing the mind and priming it to explore imaginative new ideas. A study in the Creativity Research Journal cites that environments fostering enjoyment and laughter are associated with higher levels of creative problem-solving.
“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” Albert Einstein
3. Reduce Stress
Workplace stress is a significant concern these days: overwhelm and burnout are common concepts across the board. Integrating fun into an organisation provides a much-needed break from the stress of daily tasks, leading to improved mental health. Research by the American Psychological Association found that positive social interactions at work can decrease stress.
“It's all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends and family.” Philip Green
Coworkers enjoy a joke: a vital element of workplace wellbeing
4. Improve Job Satisfaction
Fun at work leads to happier employees, and happier employees are more satisfied with their jobs. A seminal study in the Academy of Management Journal noted that job satisfaction is significantly higher in companies that promote fun and an enjoyable work environment. Studies prove that positive bonding work can raise productivity by up to 12 percent.
As Barack Obama said: “You can't take yourself too seriously; you have to be able to laugh at yourself, you have to have a sense of humour about your own shortcomings. That's a critical aspect of leadership.”
5. Foster Team Building
Fun activities that encourage teamwork can strengthen bonds among colleagues. Teams that play together tend to work better together. The Journal of Vocational Behavior has highlighted that strong team relationships contribute to better communication and collaboration.
“Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon results.” Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
6. Attract and Retains Talent
A workplace that is known for a fun and vibrant culture is more attractive to potential employees. Moreover, fun at work can also be a key factor in retaining top talent. According to a report by Gallup, workplaces with high engagement levels (often through enjoyable and meaningful activities) see significantly lower turnover rates.
“You attract the right things when you have a sense of who you are.” Amy Poehler
7. Improve Overall Well-being
Engaging in fun activities can lead to improved physical health, including lower blood pressure and reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases. The Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine provides evidence that positive work environments can lead to better health outcomes.
“Laughter is a powerful weapon; it can break down barriers and cut through the complexities of life. A leader who can laugh and foster an environment of humour is one who can truly connect with his team and inspire them.” Trevor Noah
Embracing fun at work is not about shirking responsibilities; it's about enriching the workplace with joy and laughter – which in turn catalyses efficiency, innovation and contentment.