Proof that setbacks shouldn’t break us

Thomas Edison, one of the most prolific inventors in history, once said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." And this attitude is the one that’s going to get you to your goals.

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Breaking free from catastrophizing

Our thought patterns can significantly impact our self-belief. One common pattern that undermines confidence is catastrophizing. If you are prone to catastrophic thinking, read on to understand how it impacts confidence and how to break the pattern…

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Being professional without losing authenticity

In the world of business, there's often a perceived need to fit a certain mould. We're taught that to be taken seriously, we must conform to a set of standards and behaviours. While there's nothing wrong with adhering to these standards to some extent, it's crucial not to lose sight of your authenticity.

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Empowering your career through continuous learning

In today's competitive job market, continuous learning has emerged as a crucial factor in shaping successful careers. Studies in recent years have shed light on the significant relationship between continuous learning and career opportunities.

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What’s so special about ‘grit’?

In a world filled with buzzwords and self-help jargon, one term that stands out for its profound impact on success and achievement is ‘grit’. Grit has become a powerful concept in understanding what drives individuals to persevere and reach their long-term goals.

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Play Your Way to Power: Why Being Playful is Route 1 to Being in Charge

Playfulness in leadership is a potent tool for influence, fostering creativity, and motivating teams. Embrace it to break barriers, reduce stress, and transform challenges into growth opportunities. Play your way to power!

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What does the ‘Stretch Zone’ mean to you?

The Stretch Zone embodies the realm of growth and self-discovery, where personal development flourishes. It represents that sweet spot where challenges and abilities are in perfect harmony, pushing us to extend beyond our comfort zones, yet not overwhelming us.

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Learning from setbacks: Embracing growth and moving forward

Setbacks are inevitable in every aspect of life, but they can also be transformative opportunities for growth and resilience. Embrace setbacks, extract lessons, and propel yourself forward.

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Embracing the Stretch Zone: Growing beyond comfort

In personal growth, the "Stretch Zone" is where individuals step outside their comfort zones to reach new heights, growth flourishes, and transformative experiences await the brave.

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4 handy habits to increase your resilience

Let’s get into our Stretch Zone, people – it’s a tried and tested way to increase your resilience. Use these four methods and become more resilient today. SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals for the win!

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